Wednesday, April 27, 2011

April 23- Dying Easter Eggs

 "There's a bee."
Grandma gave Elise a cute little apron to wear while we were dying eggs. She did a really good job, and I think the pictures are pretty self explanatory. Sorry there are so many. Bob got a little trigger happy. :)


April 19- Easter Card

Elise got her very own card in the mail. She even tried to open it.

"Cool!" Thanks Grammie and Dad'n.

April 16- Amazing Bubbles

 Elise loves playing with bubbles! Well, I bought some bubbles at Target the other day called Amazing Bubbles. The real reason I bought it was because it was less than a dollar for a bottle. I thought it was just going to be another bottle of cheap bubbles. Nothing terrible, but not that great. However, they turned out to be great. We always get a ton of bubbles. The first picture is just one, maybe two little blows from the bubble wand.


 She just loved watching them. She also likes to find random toys that are laying around to pop the bubbles.

 Here she was trying to catch some in her hands. Though I am not sure what the point of the bottle was.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Nothing to do with Elise

This post has nothing to do with Elise, but I thought I would gush on my husband for a few minutes.

Thursday, April 14 was our 5 year anniversary of getting engaged. I know that is a pretty silly thing to celebrate/acknowledge, but we thought 5 years was kind of special. We didn't actually do anything special, but this is what I came down to in the morning.

 He also bought some sticky buns for breakfast. The note said "5 years ago today I made the greatest and best decision of my life." To say the least, I was extremely surprised. We weren't really talking about doing anything special, we were just talking about it in conversation a few days prior. Things have been a little crazy and Bob has been working a lot. I feel so lucky and I completely agree with him. We made the greatest and best decision on that day.

Apr. 12- making jello

When I was at the store I found some cute Easter molds, so I decided to give them a try. So Elise and I made Jello. The part she actually like the most was getting to stand on the step stool. She kept asking me to get it out the rest of the day.

Project- Basement & Elise's playroom

We decided to finally put new flooring in the basement, well, part of the basement. The hole in the carpet was done by Leinie a while back, so we decided to rip up the carpet and put down laminate floor. 

 Some of the space is where Elise's toys go, so we are hoping the laminate flooring will help with clean-up if we do anything messy.

 Please don't mind the mess, we were just trying to get everything out of the way.

 Before pictures and Bob cleaning up the carpet.

 For the most part, it is done. Bob still has to finish the edging for the transition from the laminate to the carpet

 Drum roll please!
The finished basement project. Didn't Bob do a great job?

I am sure the playroom will never look this clean again. Ha, but Elise does really like playing downstairs. There are still some little things we want to do/get for downstairs, but they will come in due time.

Apr. 9 Eating like a big girl

I don't remember why, but for some reason we decided to try to see if she would sit in a regular chair to eat breakfast. It actually pretty well, but she is still a little too short. I don't have any pictures, but we took the back off of her high chair and have been pushing her up to the table to eat. It hasn't been too bad, now Leinie just gets more chances to hoover because her tray used to catch more of her food.

Mmm, french toast.

Apr. 7- playing with cars

Elise really likes the movie "Cars" and the cars that we have around the house. These are the ones that she usually plays with. Now she has figured out that she can put them on the TV stand and play with them at her level instead of the floor.

Apr. 5- New summer hat!

We were getting ready to go for an evening walk, so we put her new summer hat on her to see if she would even keep it on. She actually did really well. Pink is really her color, ha!

 (She held her hat like that for part of the walk because it was so windy. It was so cute how she kept trying to keep it on and not lose it.)