Just to warn you, there are several pictures in this post. Usually I just load some pictures and then post the best ones, or at least ones she might be looking at the camera. However, when I looked through these I just had to laugh and I couldn't bring myself to delete any of them. For some reason Bob just started snapping pictures so it is just a chronicle of Elise eating dinner. Even though it is mundane, I dare you not to laugh out loud at some of these pictures.
She does actually like the pizza. It is not a 'disgust' face, she is actually eating with her front teeth. She started doing this when her 2yr molars started coming in. She also does it when she is tired. Unfortunately this usually means that she takes FOREVER to eat. She will outgrow this someday, right??
"surprise" face
She makes this a face A LOT, and for different reasons. It makes us laugh all the time. I don't remember why she made it this time, but she does like to do it when we get to do something fun.