Thursday, July 28, 2011

The many faces of Elise(pizza)

Just to warn you, there are several pictures in this post. Usually I just load some pictures and then post the best ones, or at least ones she might be looking at the camera. However, when I looked through these I just had to laugh and I couldn't bring myself to delete any of them. For some reason Bob just started snapping pictures so it is just a chronicle of Elise eating dinner. Even though it is mundane, I dare you not to laugh out loud at some of these pictures.

She does actually like the pizza. It is not a 'disgust' face, she is actually eating with her front teeth. She started doing this when her 2yr molars started coming in. She also does it when she is tired. Unfortunately this usually means that she takes FOREVER to eat. She will outgrow this someday, right??

 "surprise" face
She makes this a face A LOT, and for different reasons. It makes us laugh all the time. I don't remember why she made it this time, but she does like to do it when we get to do something fun.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Water Table Play

So for Elise's birthday she got a really fun water table. I think the pictures are pretty self explanatory. She obviously had a great time. Splashing is the best summer fun!

Birthday backpack

I don't know if I mentioned before, but Elise's birthday party was practically Cars themed. She got this really cute, rolling backpack with Cars on it. For a few days she would drag it around and show it off. Now she doesn't cart it around as much, but it does have all of her cars in it. She always knows where they are and where to put them away when we clean up.

And yes, she really does help clean up (most of the time). It is awesome!  She even helps me sing the 'clean-up' song.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Going for a walk and watering the flowers

Most nights, when it isn't too hot or too late, we take a walk as a family. Sometimes she I push her in her stroller and other times she like to ride in her wagon. Towards the end of the walk she asks to get out and walk. On this particular night she decided that she wanted to pull the wagon herself. She was so proud it pull it all by herself.

 Just hanging out in the back yard.

She has a little watering can that she likes to pretend to water the flowers. She has actually used it with water in it, we just didn't do it that night. (Don't you just love all of our weeds, ugh!)

New mower

It has probably been about a month, but I picked up a bubble mower at a garage sale for Elise. The best part is that I don't even have to put bubbles in it. She just likes to push it around. For a week or two every time we went into the garage she would ask to 'mow.' Now it isn't quite as often, but she still likes to push it around.
(sorry they are a little far away, Dad took them with his phone. And she wouldn't stop moving.)

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Birthday party #2

 We had a party for Elise the weekend after her birthday. All of the grandparents were able to come and Aunt Kristina. Unfortunately Aunt Sis, Uncle Matt, Aunt Kathy and Uncle Greg (godparents) weren't able to make it. She was very into the tissue paper, not actually what was inside. I know that will change in a year or two.

 Hmmm, which to open first.

I tried to help her move a long, but she was still pretty slow moving. She liked to tell us all the colors of the paper, and what was pictured on the bags. 

 Once she got to ripping into some of the packages she had a good time. But it didn't last long because she got some cars from the movie Cars...and that was it. She wanted those open and didn't really care about any of the others.

 Already playing with the cars.

 She also got Mack from Cars. She was ready to put Lightning and all of this friends inside. She still plays with these cars everyday. 

 Let's take a brake to play with Mack and the cars again. "You don't need to bother me with more presents."

 This was her big gift. A water table. It is really pretty cool, and I have more pictures of her playing with it. 

 She's starting to get a little tired.
The theme was butterflies, so a friend made her cake look like one of the butterflies on her napkins.
( Thanks Aubrey!!)

I think the day was a big success. She is such a wonderful 2 year old. I don't think many people can say that about their 2 year old. I am sure there will be challenging days, but for now she is really a joy.