Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Margaret- 2 months

Well, Margaret is now 2 months old. Things are starting to get a little easier, and she is a little more entertaining. She has started to smile, but I would say right now it is more of a smirk. I haven't been able to get a picture, but hopefully soon. Maybe we'll get a big smile for Christmas.

 This picture is from 12-12-12, at 8 weeks.

Pretty in purple. Taken last night on her true 2 month birthday. 

Thursday, November 15, 2012

New arrival- 4 weeks

It is hard to believe it has been a month since we brought Margaret Marie. Life as we know it has changed, but everyone seems to be adjusting.

Margaret Marie born 10/17 at 7:29 am, weighing 6lbs, measuring 18in.

Here is a picture of her getting ready to leave the hospital:

1 week- my sweet pea

And now (yesterday) at 4 weeks

Thursday, November 1, 2012

It's been awhile...Happy Halloween!

Well a lot has been going on, and we do have a wonderful new addition to our family but I will save that for another post. Maybe one where I actually have two hands to type...read: don't expect a lot of comments. It just takes too long to type with one hand.

So Elise chose to be a princess for Halloween this year, which kind of surprised me because she hasn't seen too many of the princess movies. Anyway she wanted to be Rapunzel, so that is what she dressed as.


Because mom is still staying to help out I was able to go out with Elise. She did a great job saying 'Trick or Treat' and thanking everyone for the candy. It was a little chilly, but we had a good time and she was excited the whole time we were out. Happy Halloween!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

32 weeks

It's a basketball! (But my sweet husband refers to it as a volleyball.) That is what most people say/think when they see me. My favorite (not really) reaction is when I tell people I still have at least 8 weeks left, and they say "oh honey"...like I don't already know I look big. My 'big' problem is that I am a small person. I am carrying perfectly normal, measuring right on, and actually weigh a few pounds less now than I did at the same point with Elise. I think that is pretty good considering it has been hard to get outside or do much exercise because it has been so hot. Ok, rant over...

Online it says that the baby is about the size of a squash, whatever that means because really I have never seen 2 that were the same. I really think they should change these size comparisons to something standard. Baby is anywhere between 2.5 and 3.8 lbs and measures 15-17 inches. I am feeling pretty good, though recently I have moved into the more uncomfortable stage. It is for various reasons, but there is some light at the end of the tunnel. Only 8 weeks, or less! (and I know it will go quickly) I think the only reason I feel like I am complaining more this time is because my pregnancy with Elise was super easy, except for the crazy swelling. This time has been great and easy, I am just participating in more of the common pregnancy 'perks.'
The baby is moving around a lot and seems to be at predictable times. I have been having some Braxton Hicks contractions already. I don't remember when they started with Elise, but I know I had them for at least a month before she was born. Luckily they don't usually hurt or anything like that, but if the baby is in a funny position it can feel very weird. I am hoping they are getting some good practice in so I will have a quick, easy delivery.
As I said, the next few weeks will probably go pretty quickly. This weekend we are going to visit Grandma and Papa. We were hoping to get one more swim in before they close the pool for the season, but it looks like it is going to be raining and cool most of the weekend. Believe me, I am thankful for the cooler weather. Then the following weekend we are visiting Grammie and Dad'n. We have some browsing that we want to do 'in the big city'...hopefully looking at some cars (read: vans). Yep, we will be making the minivan jump sometime in the next year, probably sooner rather than later. Then we are making one last trip back to Grandma and Papas the next weekend to celebrate Papa's birthday. We have decided that this will be the last time we make any more weekend trips until the baby is born. I will be 34 weeks and it does get uncomfortable to sit in the car for too long.

So here is to smooth sailing through September.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Working at the car wash!

Since we had such a cloudy/rainy weekend, Elise has been asking to go outside. The best part is that it is almost 90 degrees with 90% humidity. (I might be exaggerating just a bit, but it might as well be true. This weather is brutal on an 8 month pregnant lady.)

So today Elise asked me when she got up if we could go outside and play in the water. I just haven't been feeling great and the last thing I really wanted to do was get her ready, get me ready, go out and play for a few minutes and then turn around and come in. Then we all have to get cleaned up. Can you tell I am not a fan of going outside/ playing in the water right now?

Anyway she convinced Dad to go out and play with her in the water! I am pretty sure that made her day, maybe week. So we decided to make use of her wanting to play in the water. We put her to work! 

 She had a really good time, and we got one of the cars a bath. I would say that is a win-win! Let's just hope that she doesn't ask to do it everyday this week.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Big Girl Room

Well we finally had a weekend to work on Elise's big girl room. My parents were gracious enough to come down and help paint. Bob had to work on Saturday so he got out of it. Elise was really excited and really wanted to help, which she did.
So here are some before pictures:
 And believe me when I say, this was a catch-all room. Unfortunately I let it get that way and we had to clean all of it out to paint. Moving it all into the guest room was the best option, but now it is a mess. So hopefully it will give me some motivation to go through the stuff or figure out where it needs to go...even if it is straight to Goodwill.

It was just another room with that boring beige.
I let Elise 'help paint' for a little while and just on the first coat because she really, really wouldn't give it a rest and I was afraid she would start finger painting with it if I didn't get her a brush. She actually started to head downstairs to get her own paintbrushes.
Yep, her room is green. This pictures doesn't show it very well, and for some reason the paint was very thin. But she loves helping, and it really made it 'her' room.

Elise has been sleeping in her big bed for about a week now, and it has gone beautifully. We haven't had any issues with her not sleeping. She actually really likes it. And it was her suggestion, which we knew would all it would take. I washed her new bedding set and we put it on. Then when she saw it was ready, she wanted to sleep in there that night.
As you can see, the walls are very green, but it is really cute. And there are plans for maybe some stripes and colorful pictures hanging on the wall. We have the nightstand from her 'new' bedroom set in her room to hold her lamp and such. However it is going to be painted white. It is currently kind of a pale yellow (aka a little dingy) and because it is older furniture it needs a little TLC. We are also in the process of painting the brass headboard. That is why there isn't a headboard in the last 2 pictures.

 Here is her bed all nice, neat, and freshly made. We found some green sheets that practically match the wall and look really cute with the comforter. Then later she puts all her 'friends' in bed with her and I don't think she actually uses the sheet. She still likes to use the blanket she has been using from her other bed. Which is fine, and I don't blame her. It is a soft fleece and it has her name on it. I bet that thing will be around for some time.
I am so glad that she is happy with her room, and I can't wait to get the rest of the furniture in there. We definitely have some touches to add to the room, but for now it works and she is out of the nursery, except for her clothes because her dresser isn't ready. Now it is time to get the nursery ready for Baby #2...now just 9 weeks or less!

Friday, August 17, 2012


Elise really likes to paint. Every couple of days she asks to paint, usually with 2 colors. I think she has used red and orange about 10 times. Of course, those are her favorite colors. So here are some pictures of the next Picasso.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

29 weeks

Well, only about 10 more weeks. Yes, I know, technically full term is 40 weeks, but if things are ready to go around 39 weeks I don't think I will say no to the induction. We'll just have to see how things are going. Of course, maybe I'll be lucky like my mom and deliver baby #2 two weeks early.

I had a doctors appointment today, and from now on I'll be going every two weeks. I was a little surprised because I didn't think it would be until after the next appointment, but whatever, more chances to listen to the sweet heartbeat sound. I also picked up the PrePare sheet for the hospital. Which means we will be meeting and registering with them soon in preparation for the delivery. YAY! I can't believe how close it is.

I know this is about when we started taking pictures of me when I was pregnant with Elise, but unfortunately I am not sure we can access those anymore. The major hard drive that we stored a lot of pictures is acting up, and we (Bob) isn't sure we can get them ever. They may be corrupted. Boo! I really wish I could do a comparison.

I am feeling pretty good overall. Some things are getting harder to do, but that is to be expected since my belly sticks out so far. The unfortunate side effect from this pregnancy seems to be some varicose veins showing up on my right calf. (Elise already gave me all the stretch marks I need.) It looks like I have a few bruises. Not the most pleasant, but the good part is that once the pregnancy is done and my body goes back to normal, they might go away or at least get smaller.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

First Day of Preschool

Yesterday, August 14th, was Elise's first day of Preschool. She is going for 2.5 hours, 2 days a week (Tues/Thurs). Personally, I think this is going to be great for everyone. Elise gets more social/learning time, and I get some time to get things done before the baby comes, then once the baby comes (hopefully) I get some rest/bonding time. It's a win/win all around. (at least that is how it plays out in my head, ha.)

Elise didn't really want me to take her picture yesterday morning before we left for preschool. She 'didn't want to be late." So she made this face at me as we were going to get into the car. 

Then luckily I coaxed her outside, in front of our door, to take some pictures. Then all the sass came out.

 See my silly face!
 This is my tough face!

 Finally, at least one that she is not making a crazy face, and she is showing off her school bag. Green Puppy did not go to school too, he stayed in the car. Though I think if I would have let her she would have gladly taken him along. He goes EVERYWHERE with us!

 These pictures are of her in front of her nametag at school. There is a row of pegs outside the classroom where everyone hangs their bag. I know the first one looks like she is a little panicked, but I assure you she wasn't. I was just trying to get any picture as quickly as I could. It was also hard to get her to actually look at me because there was definitely some commotion in the hallway.
She did a great job, and didn't seem to have any problems. I did fine until I had to walk out of the building without her. It was definitely a bittersweet moment. I can't believe how much she has grown up and what a great kid she is. I really hope she enjoys preschool, and so far she seems too. I think she was most excited to play in their dramatic play area (aka-play kitchen with food). She said they also did some playdoh, puzzles, and first day - get to know you type stuff. When the teacher walked her out she said that she did excellent and everyone seemed to have a good day. I can't wait to see what she brings home and learns in the weeks to come.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

25 weeks

It is hard to believe that I am more than half way through this pregnancy. I know that there is still a long way to go, but the weeks seem to go faster and faster. Plus, there is the fact that we are still very busy with plans most weekends doing something until school starts.
This weekend- at Grandma and Papas to go swimming! Yay, I am really looking forward to that. Maybe it will give my legs some relief. I don't remember it being this taxing to be caring around an extra *cough* 20lbs *cough*. Yep, that's right big baby #2.
Next weekend- Bob thinks he might have to work, no big deal just something to put on the calendar.
Aug 4- My (baby) sister is getting married!!!
Aug 11- This is the last weekend before Elise starts preschool. First day, August 14th. I am crazy excited for her to start, and a little nervous. I know she will learn so much and have a great time. I think she is looking forward to it, but also really has no idea what she is getting into.

It has been so hot lately that we haven't been outside very much. Yesterday was one of the first days we have been to the park in a long time and we were there about 30 minutes. We were both sweating when we left and believe me when I say that Elise is not a 'hard' player. I think she was in the swings for at least half of the 30 minutes. My guess is that it was 80-85 in the shade, and thank goodness the park was shaded.

Well, here it is...Baby #2 @ 25weeks

Here is where I will defend my ever so large belly. At 21 weeks, when we had our anatomy scan the baby was measuring 22-23 weeks. So it looks like another large baby. I just hope it decides to grace us early, well, not too early. I am anxious to get started on the new rooms, but it really needs to wait until after my sister's wedding. My parents have graciously offered to come down and help me get things ready, but things are just a little crazy right now. Plus since Elise starts preschool shortly after I can get a few more things done in my day without her at my heels.

Monday, June 18, 2012

12,14, 19 and 20 week pics

12 weeks
14 weeks

19 weeks

20 weeks (and my uncontrollable belly!)