I love to watch the interaction between Elise and Margaret. Elise can always make her crack a smile. She is a great big sister. It will be a wonderful thing when they can play together. I know Elise is ready for that, although I don't think she really knows what she will be getting into.
Maggie has some good days and bad, as with babies in general. She has had a few nights where she is awake for a couple of hours. Definitely hard on me, and I wish she could tell me what's wrong, but I know that is a long time in the making. Her naps have gotten a little better, but they are still pretty short. I think that trade off is the fact that she sleeps pretty well at night so she doesn't sleep as much/as long during the day. I am working on getting her into a schedule/routine and that has helped, but always a work in progress. We are also offering some solids/ rice cereal. She still has a strong tongue reflex where she pushes it back out, but right now it is just for practice and we are not giving it to her on a consistent basis, just for fun.
Don't you just love the shamrocks! The worst part is I really wanted to take a picture of her on the floor because there was a big shamrock on her butt, haha! However, about 5 minutes after I took these I discovered a blowout.
The thumb sucking happens more and more, but she still just does it when she is really upset and a few times she has fallen asleep. I think it helps her sleep longer during the night.
These pictures were taken over the last couple of days, but they turned out pretty cute.
We finally got around to 'celebrating' Christmas with Aunt Kathy. Elise had asked for a vacuum a while ago, and she found this cute little one (yes, it is just like a dyson). It even has batteries and swirls around some confetti. It is supposed to have a little suction and a compartment that you empty, but either our batteries aren't strong enough or it doesn't really work. It doesn't matter, she has fun with it and if it gets her to help or feel like she is helping, that is fine by me.
Elise found a touch and feel book that she used to love to read. Now she likes 'reading' it to Maggie. It doesn't always happen because nights can be a little crazy depending on Maggie's mood, but it is fun to sit and read with the girls together. I hope it becomes a regular thing.
Bright face!