Thursday, April 25, 2013

6 months

6 Months
15lb 2.5oz
(between 25th and 50th percentile)
We don't have any major milestones reached yet. Not crawling and no teeth, but we have started introducing some foods. I am not overly excited about it and thankfully it really isn't part of her 'nutrition' yet. It adds one more thing 'to do' in the morning, and sometimes I am just not ready for that. We've done cereal, bananas, avocados, applesauce, and green beans. She still has a pretty strong tongue trust, so not a lot of it actually stays in her mouth. The other thing that she has gotten much better at recently is laughing/giggling. It is a lot easier to make her laugh and smile. The giggling is just the best! Her other real talent is reaching out, grabbing things and putting them in her mouth. Look out Elise! Your toys are going to be fair game soon.
 Pretty baby!

 Happy smiles...Anyone else notice hints of dimples? Maybe I am just hopeful.

 Always chewing on something.

Thursday, April 11, 2013


Aren't they too cute?!
I actually got them both looking at the camera. How I did that, I have no idea. Well, I guess it could be that I just kept saying their names and taking pictures as fast as I could. I probably have a dozen or more of utter chaos, but it only takes one, right?

Here are a few more that weren't too bad.

this just makes me laugh!

In their defense, the TV was on. Way too distracting.

AND...I'm done! (enough with the squishing)

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Nice day, finally!

Elise has been itching to get outside and it is finally getting warmer. So we went outside and did some bubbles.

 For some reason she was always facing the other direction.

 Even though this picture did not produce any bubbles, she is getting a lot better. It was pretty windy, in her defense.

 Some of the pictures are darker and lighter. This is for two reasons. 1-the sun was coming and going behind clouds. 2-I am still working on getting to understanding the setting on my camera. Although I do love my new camera!

And we have bubbles!

One of her favorite things to do out back is to find rocks that will fit down the center hole of our patio table.
I'm not really sure why, but it seems to provide endless entertainment. Will it fit??


 "Nope, not that one."
 The new camera has a lovely black and white setting. So this is my small attempt at being a little artistic with the picture taking. 

 Swinging is a favorite past time as well. I was still a little chilly, but those who know me would not be surprised by this. Elise had a great time, and I can't wait for it to get a little warmer so we can all enjoy being outside.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Easter- Part 2

Family photos! (note: Maggie isn't in a lot of these because she fell asleep on the way home from church.)

 The girls!

 Missing the little one, but not a bad picture.

 Mommy testing the camera, but great pics of Daddy and Maggie!

Finally got Elise to look at the camera! But she apparently forgot how to just smile normally, ha.

 Gotta love the squishy baby face!

My lovely parents!

Note to self- I have got to get better at using the camera. It was very hard because it was a cloudy day, plus I just haven't had enough practice.