Well, here we are again. Another month come and gone. This last month has been pretty busy. There have been several home improvements, some of which were not entirely planned, and schools starting. Elise had already started preschool, but at the end of August MOPS started. Since Elise is going to preschool on Tuesday and Thursday she is still able to come with us on Wednesday to MOPS. Also, this is a first for Maggie. She went right after she was born in the Spring semester, but even when it ended she was only 6 months and she got to have the whole summer to forget about staying away from mom. That being said she has done so much better than I could have expected. I think she only had one day (so far) where she has cried. But none where they have had to call me to come to the rescue! Yay! So with MOPS I get a couple more hours of mommy (or me) time. Heavenly.
Anyway, on to the 11 month old!
I have no idea what Maggie is weighing, or how long she is but I have moved her up to 12 month clothes.
She is saying so many sounds now, no words, but I know that will come soon enough and I will have 2 chatter boxes in the house! She is starting to use the sign for more, because like Elise she loves cheese and always wants more. She is crawling everywhere and pulling up a lot, no walking, but if she wants something bad enough I have seen her inch her way while holding on. She can make a mess in 2.2sec, and will put it in her mouth even faster. Her newest trick, making a fish face. If you make a kissy sound at her she ends up making a fish face to mimic the sound. So cute, and so funny!
She still definitely needs that morning nap, but I have started running again and the best time is after I drop Elise off at preschool. The first time I tried it, we actually made it home before she was completely out, and I took her up to her room and she took a good nap while I showered, awesome! However, yesterday she didn't make it home and I didn't have the heart to try to move her. So I just took a quick snap shot.
She loves to get into Elise's books! Or anything she probably shouldn't...
(Excuse the unmade bed, I was in the middle of changing sheets.)
This is my sad/mad face because Mom took the book away.
Honestly, she was trying to eat it! I wouldn't normally care, but it was actually paperback.
And Elise likes that book.
So she made her way to another book shelf.
See how fast I can take all the books off the shelf! (2 minutes tops)
Whenever she pulls herself up somewhere she always trying to drum/bang on it. She loves making noise/music by hitting or shaking whatever toys she has.
Some of her smiles just crack me up! She has so many facial expressions, and she is always trying to copy what you are doing too, and it is hilarious.
Hope you all have a great day!