Elise lost her first tooth!! Yay! She was so excited/nervous about it, but when she lost it she did great. I pretty much knew the morning she would loose it. While she was brushing her teeth she must have hit it just right, and it started to bleed, but didn't come out. Then it was SUPER wiggly, so I figured she would loose it that day, I even packed a small plastic baggie in the diaper bag so I would have some where to put it.
We got to share out excitement with my mom and sister because they came down for a visit to the outlet mall. And her tooth fell out while we were eating lunch. It came out on the first bite she took of her sandwich! It was so cute because she had this panic look on her face when she started to chew. I asked her if she think she lost her took, and she shook her head. So I told her to go ahead and spit out the food so we could find the tooth!
So here she is...with one less tooth!
(5/19/2014) Wow, a whole month!
And of course, it has been long enough since the picture, it is safe to say she has another loose tooth. Let's hope it comes out as smoothly and painlessly as this one.