So about a million years ago (ok, maybe a little exaggeration) we went to the Children's Museum with some friends. We had a lot of fun, and I think this was the first time going where Maggie was walking. So she had tons of fun. First off...WATER!
Sis really likes to play in the water too!
This was also a popular spot for Maggie. Let's see...balls and stairs to climb up and down...a small part of heaven for Maggie. :)
While Elise and her friends were doing a craft in the preschool area, Maggie and I walked around and looked at the art in the area. She really liked the bunnies that are on the wall behind her in the above picture. She would say 'bunny' and 'hop' then proceed to jump around. Man, toddlers are fun.
Proud of her work!
Building towers.
It is really hard to get the 2 of them together.
Maggie found this ramp in an area made for toddlers. And I am pretty sure she walked up and down it a dozen times. Hey, she was practicing her balance right??
Everyone had to stop and play with the dinosaurs. In the words of Maggie "ROAR."
There is a new exhibit about China that we got to check out. And of course a lot of fun! These are some bells that the girls got to bang on. They both really liked to play here.
Playing dress-up at the Theatre!
"lion?" (hehe)