Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Probably the last time...

The last two days the weather has been pretty warm, so we have been outside a little bit. Our backyard gets too hot in the afternoon to really just hang out. Well, today after Elise's nap, she wanted to go outside, so I asked her if she wanted to play in the water table. So with a resounding "yes" we went outside. I didn't even bother putting her suit on her because it takes more time than it is worth. So I just put some sunscreen on her, filled up the table and let her go.

 Blowing bubbles
I think is she could have she would have climbed into the table.

She had a pretty good time, though it didn't last as long as I thought it might. The only bad part was that I was baking in the sun. We really need to get some shade back there, but that is another project for another day.

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