It is hard to believe that Elise's 2nd birthday is today. She is such an awesome little girl. Yesterday we had her well-child check up, which she did really well at. She weighed 30lbs. 14oz. and is 36in tall! She is definitely daddy's girl. I swear she is as big or bigger than some 2.5 year olds that we know!
This morning I took her to the new playground at the Commons. Since we went early there wasn't too many people and we could just roam around as we wanted. A couple of friends from MOPS showed up later, but it was just a coincidence to see them, but she was excited none the less.
This is probably my favorite of the day! She wasn't really posing, but the picture just came out that way.
Checking out 'Chaos'.
Practicing our "ABCs"

Of course, 'Lightning McQueen" and 'blue car' had to come with us to the playground. They are going for a drive in the oval cutout of the play area.
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