Monday, September 12, 2011

No pictures- time?

Where has the time gone?! I can't believe we are almost half way through September. It seems like it was June just a couple of weeks ago. The worst part is that time travels even faster this time of year. MOPS is starting on Wednesday, so we have that to look forward to. I have also signed Elise up for a storytime at the library on Thursdays. It is kind of a month to month thing so we'll see how our schedule turns out and and see if we will continue. I really like going because it gives us something to do out of the house, and we get to check out new books. Since she loves to read books over and over it is best to get new books, at least for our sanity.

The other part that keeps this month moving and I hope it goes quickly is that Bob is going to be traveling to Japan. He leaves on Saturday and will be back on Thursday afternoon. I am sure it will go quickly, but sometimes those days just drag. I hope the weather stays nice so we can make a trip to the zoo or something. I also think that Grammie might come to visit, so that should be fun!

I wish I could say that I have a bunch of pictures just waiting to be posted, but I don't. I have somehow become lazy. I can't even make up some kind of excuse, other that just busy with life. I am hoping to try a little harder and be a little more organized with our activities and my procrastination.

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