Monday, June 17, 2013

8 months

Wow, I am lazy. Writing once a month, and there has been so much going on. I'll put that is my excuse reason for not posting more. I really hope to catch up someday, but no promises.

Here are some pics from today of Maggie, who is now incredibly 8 months old. She now has 2 teeth, bottom middle ones. She is sitting up very well, and don't really need the pillow, but it makes me feel better. She isn't crawling yet, but it isn't too far away, as you will see in (at least) one of the pictures. Plus, I have seen her in her crib when she is mad and she is almost strong enough to put herself into a seated position from her belly.

 She does like to stick her tongue out!

 Baby kisses!
Seriously content to chew on just about anything, and boy does she get mad if you take it away before she is done.

 I'm pretty sure we have a similar picture of Elise doing the same 'stretch.'
 Sweet smiles.
 She LOVES to chew on this book!

 Hopefully both girls will always love books. And Maggie will outgrow wanting to chew on them.

 Notice her position in the first picture, and then at the end. She can completely spin around. Also there is the one where if she was up on her hand she would practically be sitting.

 And...I'm done Mom!

 Wrinkle nose :)
 Now, I don't normally take pictures of the kids in the tub, but she is pretty happy and I wanted to get a few more smile pictures. (sorry about the yellow pictures, I forgot to change the setting.)

 She has figured out how to splash, which is really cute. And sometimes she is so focused it seems she is studying it.

 More tongue!
Looking at Dad making silly noises, ha.

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