Monday, August 19, 2013

First day of Pre-K

Well, it was the first week of Pre-K for Elise. She was so excited! She even kept telling strangers that she was starting school soon and that she would be in a new classroom (4 year olds) and have new teachers. We went to check things our on Monday and Tuesday was the first day. She is going on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9-12:30. I thought she would be going on M/W/F, but we decided we still liked having the freedom to do 3 or 4 day weekends if we wanted. Next year we will be subject to public school schedules, and there aren't too many breaks since we are on a balanced (aka year round) calendar.

Down side to taking down the tree out front, the front porch is flooded with morning sunlight.

Elise was trying to hold her eyes open when I kept telling her to look at me. She kept saying it was too bright. (We were in the shade, by the way.)

So we went to the backyard, and got a much better picture. Well, the background isn't too pretty, but I wanted at least a couple outside. 
Of course, her two best friends had to make the trip this morning. They didn't go to school, but they usually get to hang out in the car while she is at school. Then she gets them when I pick her up.

At school, next to her name. Can you feel the excitement?

She had a great week! I know she will have a great year and once things really get going she will have a lot of fun with all the new things she'll learn.

This is from the first day last year. She seems so much taller now. I am pretty sure the bags are all the same size. The bag seemed huge last year, and this year it is perfect. She looks so young! But notice the same friend, ha!

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