Merry Christmas...from Maggie!
Christmas morning cartoons. "Peg + Cat" of course...If you haven't checked out this PBS show, you really should, it is pretty funny, even from a parent's point of view and quite educational. Pretty sure Elise can now count to (at least) 10 by 2s, maybe higher. Sneaky kids shows, awesome!
Again...with the mass amounts of gifts. We are truly blessed by our family! (And I think this picture is missing some of Aunt Sis and Uncle Matt's gifts.)
And the chaos begins!
Can't be Christmas without a little "Doc."
"Here Mom!"
Elise, trying on her cute sweater from Grandma. The best part, Grandma made it and Maggie has a matching one! They really are super cute.
Jack in the Box...what Elise really wanted for Christmas...when will it pop!?
Maggie's cute new walking cart. Maybe she will actually learn how to walk on her feet instead of her knees. She has walked around the house a few times with it, but still doesn't seem to care to walk on her feet.
We had a really nice week being with family and celebrating Christmas, but everyone was ready to be home. We got home later in the day on Christmas and had a small Christmas as a family and opened what Santa brought (another post) while we were at Grandma's. I hope that everyone else had an awesome Christmas, and now New Year!
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